400 warmup
300 - 200 IM/ 100 free
800 - 4 x 200's 1- 50 fly, 150 free, 2 - 50 back, 150 free, 3 - 50 breast, 150 free, 4 - 200 IM
750 - 10 x 75's first 5 :10 rest, second 5 :15 rest. Was going really strong on these. Matt made me go first on the second 5 because he was doing IM. I was doing free on all of them.
500 pull
400 - 8 x 50's ALL OUT 1:30 rest (Held :29/:28 on all of them)
100 easy
then moved to the north end and did:
150 easy
800 kick
400 pull
7,000 yards total in 2:15
I started to blame myself for what happened. Perhaps if I would have walked him more he wouldn't have been jealous at seeing that tiny dog getting walked.
Max would eat anything. He was a living garbage disposal. I didn't get so upset with the kids when they didn't eat all of their dinner knowing that it wouldn't get thrown out, but eaten gratefully by Max.
When I took him on walks he loved it. When we got to a section of the walk that was isolated I would undo his leash and let him roam free. But he would always stay within about 20 feet of me. He would often walk right next to me and lean his massive head into my leg. It was way of hugging me. He loved to get rubbed behind his ear which was about twice the size of my hand.
He really was the most loving and obedient dog I've ever had. I miss him badly. I hope the pain from this loss lessens soon. I find comfort thinking that Danny, Cathi's brother who has passed away, is able to meet up with Max. Danny was a big animal lover and if they get together on the other side they both would be very happy together.
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