Saturday, November 12, 2011


Not a very good way to see
things at the pool.
So last night and this morning was the SDRC Meet that I have been organizing for a few months.  Talk about stressful.  Last night I went to bed and it was like I had shell shock or something.  I was dizzy and felt like my ears were ringing I was so stressed.  I also felt like I wasn't able to see people's body language or really do much outside of my immediate focus.  Truly tunnel vision.

The cause of my stress were mostly just this:

  1. I messed up on signing up the USU swimmers, so I had to add several events for several of those swimmers.  
  2. I also somehow missed a couple of other swimmers who registered and I had emails from, but failed to get them in Meet manager.
  3. A couple of swimmers showed up and wanted to deck enter.  I hate being a stickler and I'm sure they left thinking the meet director is a total jackass.
  4. My printer speed was definitely an issue.  I could have handwritten the heat sheets faster almost.
  5. The timing system is way too complex and recording scores was too time consuming.
Cody Edwards bobbing in the salt water for a raffle ball.
There were alot of key people that made the night a success and Scott Balling and Kris Edwards were two of the MVPs.  

As far as swimmers go.  I was totally impressed with Wesley Johnson's 1650 swim.  His stroke looks so damn good I could watch him swim all day.  Sure he's super fast.  But that wasn't the thing I was most impressed with.  His stroke was not rushed, but rather appeared relaxed and efficient.  If I end up resorting to getting a coach for help with my stroke, that's the dude I'm going to.  

Kevin Bates wins' the kayak
Josh also did a great job helping prepare the food and manning a station for raffling off all the goods.  He also did a demo of the SSD while I explained the three main benefits of using it in open water swims.   The Kayak that I donated did end up getting awarded until about 15 minutes till the meet ended.  There were alot of prizes!  Scott Balling REALLY stepped up with the scoring and manning the starting while Craig Barnes swam.  There were alot of key people who helped on Saturday.  Kevin Mortensen really did great organizing and keeping the timers going.   Liz Bennett kept everyone entertained with her uplifting comments and tunes.  Kris and Cody helped all day with check-in, and dozens of other things.  This truly was a group effort and I think it turned out really well!

I had some good chats with Will Reeves about the 24 hr postal event he has going.  Then packed all the stuff and cleaned up.  I was out of there at about 2:30pm.  I took Austin home and really wanted to go back and swim since I didn't swim at all yesterday and wanted a good workout.  Cathi pulled up just as I did from running errands.  She was in a good mood and said I could go.  The house was already in a super clean state so there was no stress on her end and she was glad the meet went so well and said I should reward myself with a good swim.

I married an angel.

So I went back and swam:

12,000 - 6 x 2000 (even free with no equipment, odd pulling) on 30:00 quick drink and go!
400 - 2 x 200 IM's easy

12,400 yards total


Josh said...

You did a great job with the meet! From what I could tell everything went smoothly.

I had a lot of fun swimming, meeting people and giving out prizes. I'm sure your swim this afternoon helped you to relax, you deserved it.

Matt Gerrish said...

Don't beat yourself up about it. I have zero complaints. Just like Josh said, everything seemed to go nice and smooth with a great turnout. Thanks for all the work you do with these events.