this blog including details. Detailing my journey has been fulfilling and given my training more purpose rather than just putting in the miles. Setting clear goals along the way, noticing unique differences day by day and making various improvements has made all this work worth it and motivates me to keep going. Getting up many times between 3 and 4am in order to get in my "workout" - My stroke by stroke voyage in swimming to the core!
This afternoon I met Josh, Goody, Chad, Sue, Stacey and met Tammy for the first time at the marina. We also met up with Howard Berkes, a correspondent for NPR. He conducted a group interview with us about the GSL and swimming there. I made a statement that part of the joy of swimming out there is the sense that it makes me feel hardcore. I didn't say this next bit, but wanted to: Swimming out in the Great Salt Lake makes me feel like a badass. Most people think because I swim in the Great Salt Lake rather makes me a dumbass. Either way, I'm an ass.
Total: 2.25 Gridley Straight in 1:02 including drink break in the shallows at black rock with Sue.
Daily total: 5.98 miles
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