Thursday, April 21, 2011


When I was a kid my favorite Saturday morning cartoon was Superfriends.

Today nearly all the swimmers that I have nicknames for swam this morning at SDRC:

"Superman" - Kevin Mortensen, since he loves to fly
Flowerpower - real name unknown
Captain America - Scott, since he very often swims with hand paddles with stars and stripes patterns.
Nina girl - She wasn't there today, but is in the pool superfriends
Tarzan - I imagine some people might be thinking I remind them of Tarzan since I'm wearing the zebra striped Rob's Aquatics brief.

Do you give nicknames to people you don't know, who swim with you?

Today's swim was shorted since I've been reading alot lately about doing some cross training on a regular basis to supplement my swimming, so I plan to do some weight lifting this afternoon as well:

2000 free
2000 free
2000 backstroke
1500 free

7500 yards total

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