Champions in Great Salt Lake Swim
Nielsen Passes Larsen
Orson Spencer, stroking the route to his third successive
championship and another new record. |
Nielsen had passed Larson and assumed third place approximately a half mile from the finish, and as the latter lagged behind it appeared that his best paddling had been done.
But he found a final rousing sport which carried him back into third place by a body length as the end neared. Nielsen, a former breaststroke man, swimming his first long free style race, lagged until the final 20 feet, when Larson developed cramps and nearly folded up.
Maurine Wilhelmsen,
lone female contender,
who stroked the 6.5 mile
Great Salt Lake course
in 3:31:39 to win the
women's title. |
"He finished, however, but Nielsen had stroked steadily into third place and the junior championship by a scant three seconds. Nielsen's time was 2:44:20, Larsen's, 2:44:23. Willard Snow in 2:47:27, and Lewis Carroll, second in the junior race last season, in 2:50:57 completed the finish of the men's race.
"Miss Maurine Wilhelmsen, with one of the games and steadiest swimming exhibitions ever given by a woman in the race, stroked the course as the lone feminine entrant in 3 hours 31 minutes 39 seconds.
She was awarded the first place gold medal for the women's race and first, second and third place men in the senior event received gold, silver and bronze medals respectively. Nielsen asos received a gold medal emblematic of his junior prize.
Twelve started the senior race, but six of them left the water for boats before the event was over."
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