Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's wrong with me?

Today I swam 55 minutes straight. I got in 5 minutes late. I got in and just swam the whole time. No stopping. I felt like I was swimming strong, no loafing. I checked my watch at 1800 yards and it was 9:29 so I did that first mile under 25 minutes which is what I wanted. At 3600 yards it was 9:53 so I just did 400 yards more.

The thing that troubles me is that I am not getting winded at all! I need to step it up a level as far as speed goes cause aerobically it doesn't feel like I'm getting a workout. I feel like I'm walking. I could go for miles, I'm not breathing heavy or sweating. I still want to do long sets, but I want to do them at a pace that gets me winded. So I think I need to start timing them and taking split times so I can make sure I'm keeping a pace that gets me really working.

4000 Yards total

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