Saturday, February 19, 1994

19 Feb 1994

600 - 200 free, kick, pull

225 - 9 x 25's sprint fly, breast, free

200 - 4 x 50's over unders

175 - warmdown

200 - kick

1400 total

Just before this we ran stairs for 10 minutes until they made us stop for Basketball practice. Then we went and lifted for an hour and my arms were fatigued. We did 4 sets of pull ups. It was so fun to lift again with a girl and get her to perform by uplifting her up.

Then we swam this workout. After this she taught me how to dive off the high dive. This was the first time I ever dived off the high dive. I contribute that achievement to Sarah because I had no desire until she wanted me to. Then I did it, without hesitation. Only little girls are afraid of heights. I would have dived off something twice that high up for her.

She said her church was cancelled tomorrow so I committed her to join me for Sacrament Meeting. Then she is coming here to watch Man from Snowy River with me.

She has to work tonight so she can't go with me to the basketball game tonight. But I can see that I am not shot down. Just slowed down. I don't mind, as long as she don't leave me. I got the pictures back today from the Valentine's dance. She is so pretty. That brings back feelings that night and I wish to be with her more. But I'll be content with as much as she'll give me for now. I am going to write home since I haven't done so in such a long time.

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