Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Jellyfish blooms in the pool

It's official: SDRC has been demoted as "Best showerhead in the Wasatch Front".  It is now awarded to NWRC.  The water pressure is more than half of what it used to be and it no longer is the highlight of my visit.

Today I came up with the workout, and wrote it down beforehand:

400 free
400 kick
1000 - 2 x 500's free descending
2000 - 2 x 1000's pull maintain same pace 1st one large paddles, 2nd - agility paddles
4500 - 10 x (200 IM, 150 free build, 100 sprint)
Got many 100s on 1:06, got a couple under 1:03, and a few on 1:05
 700 - 100 IM, 100 kick, 100 free, 100 kick, 2 x 150's IM no free

9,000 yards total in 2:35

About halfway into the main set I noticed ALOT of boogers in the pool.  Some were thin, some were clumpy, some were even bloody.  I looked up and the age group kids had invaded the pool.  We're talking dozens of snotty nosed kids.  They really ought to have the coaches check the kids at the door for showers and also hand each kid a tissue before they get in the pool.  Reminded me of swimming in Catalina (for the short time I was in the water last summer)

Now that's a lot of boogers!

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