Thursday, April 26, 2012

Man vs. Nature

This afternoon I picked up Michelle Yan at her workplace at 4:30 and we drove out to the Marina.  The wind was coming from the Southwest pretty strong.   I called Goody earlier to inform him that we'd be late and to just go ahead and we'd probably see him there.  We went down the rocky path to Silversands beach and got in from there.  I started my GPS and we swam towards Saltair for a couple minutes then headed northwest towards the red buoy that's about a 1/2 mile north of the marina.

The swells were awesome.  I was smiling and having a great time.  This was Michelle's first swim out there and it was very dramatic.  I was hoping she was enjoying it.  I made an attempt to stay close enough to be reassuring to her in case she was struggling.  I wasn't sure if this crazy lake condition was something she was comfortable with or not.

We got to the buoy and then went west to the green buoy then headed south to the marina opening.  I saw Jim way off at the end of the rocks at the opening and he snapped a shot or two.  At this time we met up with Goody and Chad and we swam east again to Silversands beach and got out.

I was fine with this distance because my mouth was still pretty raw from Tuesday.  I'll do a good swim this Saturday.
Total Distance: 1.25 miles in 58 minutes

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