Monday, November 26, 2007

Fairly tough 2600 Yards

1000 - 1000 free pulling non-stop
100 - free to let Cathi catch up
1500 - 10 x {100 free on 2:00(@1:20), 50 free on 1:30 (@:45)}

2600 Yards total

Lifted Shoulders today
at lunchtime. Tonights workout was tough. Cathi came up with it. Would've been worse if the 1000 at the beginning was NOT pulling. Pulling for me is easier than normal swimming. Not so for some. Last Saturday was torture for me and it was only 1500 yards. Today was more and not as bad. Tomorrow will have to do some speed work as I felt like we swam 90% of the time and didn't get a whole lot of rest.

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