Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gotta love ornery old ladies

This morning when I got to the pool, all the lanes had at least one person in them. I asked a large old woman if I could share a lane with her. She pointed to the deep end where there is a missing lane line. "There's room down there." I smiled and said, "Oh, thanks". So I got in and swam my normal routine:

1000 - 1000 Warmup
1000 - 2 x (100 flykick, 100 freekick, 100 fly kick on back, 100 flutter kick, 100 Free) first set with fins.
1000 - 10 x 100's pull on 1:30 (all under 1:15)
200 - 100 Breast, 100 Fast (1:08)

3200 Yards total

I was planning on 4000 yards today, but realized that I really need to get in as many hours today as possible since I need to leave work early for a youth activity. The deep end wasn't as wavy as I thought it was going to be. It wasn't too bad. So no hard feelings Rolly Polly Old woman.

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