Last night I had an interesting dream. I'm not an interpreter, so I don't know what it means really but here is the gist of it:

In my dream, I had an agreement to meat up with
Rob Dumouchel to swim with him and a group at Avila Beach. I was really late getting there at the agreed time and when I got there the two lifeguards said they had already gone out. They showed me a box at the base of the lifeguard stand, reached in and asked me to put on this orange old-school wool swimsuit for the swim. I was confused. I never saw Rob wear one of these. Why were they enforcing a rule that I wear one of these goofy looking things? I asked them why, and they said that all noobie open water swimmers had to wear them so they could be more visible to the guards so if the swimmer had a problem, they would be easier to see.
I got a little defensive. I was like, "Dude! What makes you think I'm a noobie? I swam the English Channel last summer." They were like, "Yeah right, then why are you wearing fins?" I looked down and I was like "What the hell?" I never swim with fins in open water, how did they get there? I woke up laughing.
Yesterday Goody sent me this picture via facebook. I had to share with Cathi, I thought it was quite funny.
This morning I slept in and man did that feel great! I'll get in a short swim in this afternoon after work. One week from right now Joelle should be only a few miles from finishing her Catalina swim. And I'll only one day away from starting mine.
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