With last Saturday's swim, I'm
watching the weather much more and planning my week every Sunday. There is a storm today and also a drop in temperature by 20 degrees, so I won't be swimming OW today. But Wednesday and Saturday look like decent days. Plus I'll be swimming as normal with my friends on Thursday, so I'm aiming for three OW swims this week.

This morning I did 1000 free before SALT members showed up where Kyle posted this workout:
600 free
500 - 10 x 50's odd free, even choice on 1:00
3000 - 6 x 4 x 125's free (1 & 6 on 1:45, 2 & 5 on 1:40 finger hand paddles, 3 & 4 pull on 1:35)
500 - 10 x 50's kick odd free, even breast/dolphin
Then proceeded to do my own thing:
500 kick with fins
2000 pull easy
1000 finger paddles
1000 - 10 x 100's free on 1:28
250 kick easy
150 PT paddles
100 cooldown
10,600 yards in 3:15
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