1000 stretch
600 - 12x50 down drill, back swim, focus on strokes :50
3000 - 30x100 (10 on 1:40 [can use equipment], 10 on 1:30, 10 on 1:20/25 fast) descend through rounds of 10, last 10 HARD!
200 stretch
500 - 20x25 odds sprint evens easy :30
200 warmdown
total 5500
My body is so sore! My right ankle is swollen and is tender to any pressure, all the muscles in my legs, lower back, lats, shoulders. I'm hobbling around like an old fart! I'm probably gonna need a stretcher at the finish line of the Boise 70.3. I'll definitely be glad when that race is over!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
16,000 yards
400 stretch
3000 - 1500 fins and pads, 1000 fins, 500 nothing
All 1:00 rest, 1500 is easy pace, 1000 moderate build throughout, 500 strong/fast/hard!
200 stretch (100 back, 100 breast)
600 - 12x50 kick choose speed on 1:10
100 stretch (50 back, 50 breast)
500, at least 5 seconds faster than the previous 500! Fast!
1200 - 12x100 odds kick evens pull stretch out and mix strokes, rest while switching equipment
2000 - 2x} 200 easy 3:30
150 medium 2:20
100 hard 1:30
50 sprint!! :45
50 easy 1:00
100 medium 1:30
150 hard 2:20
200 sprint!!
200 easy (100 back / 100 breast)
900 - 12x75 4x(3 strong pace, 1 easy) 1:10, do one set backstroke
800 - 4x200 breathing every 5, easy pace, :20 rest
900 - 9 x 100's free alternate fast/moderate/slow (all on 1:30)
2000 - 4x500 on 7:30 get @ 7:00 on each. Hurry and get a drink between sets.
200 - 200 easy
1000 - 2x500 on 7:30. Get @ 7:00 or better on each.
1000 - 5 x 200 IM's on 3:30
1000 Warmdown
16,000 yards total = a little over 9 miles
Cathi came to say hi around 10:30. It was really sunny from 10:30 to noon. Before that cloudy, but no rain. I was actually hoping for rain cause I wanted to feel a little cold. Shiny came for only 45 minutes, she actually stopped at the wall and whined to me about how cold the pool was. I measured it last time and it was 80 degrees. That is still not as cold as SDRC.
The fast old guy was there and the big Hispanic guy. They were going fast, but I had the above workout and had to pace myself so I didn't worry about racing.
Felt great about this workout. My shoulder and neck were stiff. I put Vaseline on my shoulders as well as shaved this morning before the swim, so I had no problems with shoulder abrasions. Nice!
3000 - 1500 fins and pads, 1000 fins, 500 nothing
All 1:00 rest, 1500 is easy pace, 1000 moderate build throughout, 500 strong/fast/hard!
200 stretch (100 back, 100 breast)
600 - 12x50 kick choose speed on 1:10
100 stretch (50 back, 50 breast)
500, at least 5 seconds faster than the previous 500! Fast!
1200 - 12x100 odds kick evens pull stretch out and mix strokes, rest while switching equipment
2000 - 2x} 200 easy 3:30
150 medium 2:20
100 hard 1:30
50 sprint!! :45
50 easy 1:00
100 medium 1:30
150 hard 2:20
200 sprint!!
200 easy (100 back / 100 breast)
900 - 12x75 4x(3 strong pace, 1 easy) 1:10, do one set backstroke
800 - 4x200 breathing every 5, easy pace, :20 rest
900 - 9 x 100's free alternate fast/moderate/slow (all on 1:30)
2000 - 4x500 on 7:30 get @ 7:00 on each. Hurry and get a drink between sets.
200 - 200 easy
1000 - 2x500 on 7:30. Get @ 7:00 or better on each.
1000 - 5 x 200 IM's on 3:30
1000 Warmdown
16,000 yards total = a little over 9 miles
Cathi came to say hi around 10:30. It was really sunny from 10:30 to noon. Before that cloudy, but no rain. I was actually hoping for rain cause I wanted to feel a little cold. Shiny came for only 45 minutes, she actually stopped at the wall and whined to me about how cold the pool was. I measured it last time and it was 80 degrees. That is still not as cold as SDRC.
The fast old guy was there and the big Hispanic guy. They were going fast, but I had the above workout and had to pace myself so I didn't worry about racing.
Felt great about this workout. My shoulder and neck were stiff. I put Vaseline on my shoulders as well as shaved this morning before the swim, so I had no problems with shoulder abrasions. Nice!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
First cold swim of the year - 1 mile in 55 degrees

I inched my way in and once I got to my belly button just dived in and started going.

I treaded water for about 30 seconds mourning the loss, but there was absolutely nothing I could do at that point so I resumed my swim. By the time I got to the 1/4 mark at the Northwest corner of the lake, the tingling was gone. I noticed that Jim and Justin were no longer with us. I assumed that they were together and went back or something.

I'm sure I looked like a red plum that had just been shaken off a tree. I was shivering like crazy and the back of my neck was chaffed from the wetsuit. My jaw was in a locked position and I was staggering walking to my car. I quickly changed into dry clothes, started the car to get the heat going and shook like crazy. I couldn't talk, or see straight. I felt like the level of hypothermia this time was even worse than Lake of the Woods from last summer.
Once I warmed up I went over and talked with Josh and Jim for a minute. Then told them I was going home to take a hot bath. It's a good thing I waited to warm up a bit, cause I would have been pulled over for DUI. I just couldn't control my body and couldn't see straight.

1) Put Vaseline on the back of my neck
2) Say a prayer
3) If I ever get a replacement wedding band (which it won't happen anytime soon), don't take it open water swimming!
I can't imagine doing that without a wetsuit. I really would have died.
800 (200 drill kick pull swim)
1200 - 8x} 100 strong pace, under 1:10 for all, on 1:30
50 easy 1:00
keep heartrate high
400- 8x50 kick, odds down sprint, back easy, evens down easy, back sprint. on 1:10
1600 - 8x200 pull pads (band optional) 3:00, nice easy stretch
800 - FINS - 800 swim, heavy legs, tire them out, moderate - strong pace
200 - 8x25 sprint :30, IM Order
200 - warmdown
5600 yards total
The 100 sprints were tough! I was supposed to do those on 1:20, but after the first set, I wasn't able to get under 1:10, so I moved the rest up to 1:30 and then I was able to get enough rest to maintain that 1:10 sprint speed.
1200 - 8x} 100 strong pace, under 1:10 for all, on 1:30
50 easy 1:00
keep heartrate high
400- 8x50 kick, odds down sprint, back easy, evens down easy, back sprint. on 1:10
1600 - 8x200 pull pads (band optional) 3:00, nice easy stretch
800 - FINS - 800 swim, heavy legs, tire them out, moderate - strong pace
200 - 8x25 sprint :30, IM Order
200 - warmdown
5600 yards total
The 100 sprints were tough! I was supposed to do those on 1:20, but after the first set, I wasn't able to get under 1:10, so I moved the rest up to 1:30 and then I was able to get enough rest to maintain that 1:10 sprint speed.
Monday, May 24, 2010
We apologize for the inconvenience
I'm so sick of this saying. I've been seeing it more frequently whenever a pool is closed. When I struggle to get my lazy butt out of bed, the last thing I wan't to see is a a sign with this saying on it at the pool entrance. Reliability and consistency go a long way when choosing a pool. Both Layton and SDRC have let me down several times this past year. More so than the previous year.
It's frustrating.
Rainy today. I was hoping with the bubble down to get my first "freeze your butt off" swim in for the year. But it'll have to wait. Biking in to work tomorrow.
It's frustrating.
Rainy today. I was hoping with the bubble down to get my first "freeze your butt off" swim in for the year. But it'll have to wait. Biking in to work tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Too cold
Got to Bountiful Lake this morning fully expecting that it would be a little chilly, but nothing I couldn't handle. When I got back from the bathroom, Josh finished take a water temp. 54!!!! What the heck. It was 63 last week in the afternoon. I'm sorry, but that's too cold.
I had an idea. I remember last year going there in the evening and the water was actually too warm. So I'm thinking if we swim next Wednesday evening, it will allow the temp to rise during the day to a more reasonable temperature. So aiming for next Wednesday.
I'm so tired of springtime temps!
I had an idea. I remember last year going there in the evening and the water was actually too warm. So I'm thinking if we swim next Wednesday evening, it will allow the temp to rise during the day to a more reasonable temperature. So aiming for next Wednesday.
I'm so tired of springtime temps!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sleep - good stuff

I've decided that I need to NOT feel guilty for sleeping in every once in a while. So today I slept in and got caught up.
Yesterday I stopped at Bountiful Lake on the way home to get a temp reading. Cause it's supposed to be nice this weekend. The temp was 63. Not bad. It'll warm up even more today. I think I'll ride my bike down, then swim a lap or two and then go on to my parents house. And then bike back home after their little party. Should make for a fun weekend!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Short swim
Had to cut my swim shorter than planned because I ran out of time. I need to try to get to work by 9:00 am. At 9:30am I'm late for a meeting. Last night I had to help my good friend Duane Ralphs with his daughters wedding reception. Cathi and I were clowns and tied probably 200 balloon animals and hats for kids. It was a carnival theme and it was fun!
So we got to bed late cause we had to watch the recorded Biggest Loser episode. Here's today's swim:
800 (200 drill, kick, pull, swim)
1200 - 12x100 odds kick, evens pull :20 rest... pretty easy, relaxed pace
1800 - 2 x { 200 strong pace 3:10
4x50 fly (one arm is fine) :55
150 strong pace 2:20
3x50 back :55
100 strong pace 1:30
2x50 breast :55}
100 easy
3900 yards
Plan on running 6.5 miles today. Next week Layton Surf N' Swim is closed so they can take the bubble down. Hopefully the weather is nice so I can swim at BL otherwise I'll be going to SDRC. Either way, Yippee!
So we got to bed late cause we had to watch the recorded Biggest Loser episode. Here's today's swim:
800 (200 drill, kick, pull, swim)
1200 - 12x100 odds kick, evens pull :20 rest... pretty easy, relaxed pace
1800 - 2 x { 200 strong pace 3:10
4x50 fly (one arm is fine) :55
150 strong pace 2:20
3x50 back :55
100 strong pace 1:30
2x50 breast :55}
100 easy
3900 yards
Plan on running 6.5 miles today. Next week Layton Surf N' Swim is closed so they can take the bubble down. Hopefully the weather is nice so I can swim at BL otherwise I'll be going to SDRC. Either way, Yippee!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
900 - 300 swim, 300 kick, 300 pull
1000 pull pads strong
100 easy
1600 - 16x100 sets of 4 (1 on 1:40, 1 on 1:35, 1 on 1:30, 1 on 1:25)
400 - 8x50 down drill back easy recovery IM Order no rest
800 - 8x100 sets of 4 (1 on 1:35, 1 on 1:30, 1 on 1:25, 1 on 1:20)
200 - 4x50 down drill back easy recovery IM Order no rest
400 - 4x100 sets of 4 (1 on 1:30, 1 on 1:25, 1 on 1:20, 1 on 1:15)
200 - 4x50 down drill back easy recovery IM Order no rest
total 5600
Really pushed it on the 100s and was able to make them all. Nice workout.
1000 pull pads strong
100 easy
1600 - 16x100 sets of 4 (1 on 1:40, 1 on 1:35, 1 on 1:30, 1 on 1:25)
400 - 8x50 down drill back easy recovery IM Order no rest
800 - 8x100 sets of 4 (1 on 1:35, 1 on 1:30, 1 on 1:25, 1 on 1:20)
200 - 4x50 down drill back easy recovery IM Order no rest
400 - 4x100 sets of 4 (1 on 1:30, 1 on 1:25, 1 on 1:20, 1 on 1:15)
200 - 4x50 down drill back easy recovery IM Order no rest
total 5600
Really pushed it on the 100s and was able to make them all. Nice workout.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Energizer bunny
1000 - 4-4-4
5000 - 10x500 1st 3- fins and pads
2nd 3- pull w/ strap and pads
3rd 3- pull w/ strap, no pads
Last one- all out sprint (6:40)
All on :30 rest, you choose speed and intensity
100 warmdown
6100 yards total
Felt like I could go on forever today. I felt good and not like giving up. Ate a TON on Mothers Day at Lows so it must have been the carb load I had. I've got to eat like that before the Bear Lake swim. It was awesome. I wasn't very fast though.
5000 - 10x500 1st 3- fins and pads
2nd 3- pull w/ strap and pads
3rd 3- pull w/ strap, no pads
Last one- all out sprint (6:40)
All on :30 rest, you choose speed and intensity
100 warmdown
6100 yards total
Felt like I could go on forever today. I felt good and not like giving up. Ate a TON on Mothers Day at Lows so it must have been the carb load I had. I've got to eat like that before the Bear Lake swim. It was awesome. I wasn't very fast though.
500 stretch
2700 - 6x (300 :20 rest, 150 :10 rest)
1st 3 sets pull pads strong arms, last 3 sets no equipment strong arms
1350 - 6x (150 :15 rest, 75 :10 rest)
1st 3 sets fins fast kick, last 3 sets no equip fast kick
250 - 5x50 down drill back swim easy :55
400 - 16x25 odds fast evens easy :30
200 warmdown
Lots of kicking today. Good workout.
Total 5400
2700 - 6x (300 :20 rest, 150 :10 rest)
1st 3 sets pull pads strong arms, last 3 sets no equipment strong arms
1350 - 6x (150 :15 rest, 75 :10 rest)
1st 3 sets fins fast kick, last 3 sets no equip fast kick
250 - 5x50 down drill back swim easy :55
400 - 16x25 odds fast evens easy :30
200 warmdown
Lots of kicking today. Good workout.
Total 5400
Stretching out breathing
500 - 300 free, 100 kick, 100 choice no free
1200 - 12x100 odds 50 fast 50 easy, evens 50 easy 50 fast 1:40
1600 - 8x200 breathe every 5 on 3:15
100 easy
1500 - 500 on 7:30, 400 on 6:00, 300 on 4:30, 200 on 3:00, 100 on 1:30 All strong effort
200 easy warmdown
Total 5100
1200 - 12x100 odds 50 fast 50 easy, evens 50 easy 50 fast 1:40
1600 - 8x200 breathe every 5 on 3:15
These were tough! I couldn't maintain the every 5 breath very long. Only did this about 50% of the time. Guess it takes practice.
100 easy
1500 - 500 on 7:30, 400 on 6:00, 300 on 4:30, 200 on 3:00, 100 on 1:30 All strong effort
Felt like giving up and going to work halfway through the 500, but stuck with it and finished. Was able to maintain 1:20-1:25 base.
200 easy warmdown
Total 5100
Bountiful Lake still too cold

Yesterday I stopped at Bountiful Lake on the way home and took a temperature reading from off the south fishing dock. Read 58 degrees. With it being in the afternoon on a totally sunny day, I bet in the morning just as the sun comes up it reads around mid 50. Still too cold.
The water still is just as brown as ever. Probably the dirtiest water I'll ever swim in. I will take another reading next Tuesday in hopes that it warms up to around 65.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Getting slack
I didn't have another written workout again today and my motivation didn't last long enough to come up with 6000+ yards on the fly, so I only did 3600 yards:
1000 - 1000 free easy
1000 - 400 kick, 4 x {75 build on 1:15, 50 easy on :45, 25 fast on :30)
1000 - 5 x (100 IM, 100 Kick)
200 easy
300 - 3 x 100's free on 1:30
100 warmdown
3600 yards
1000 - 1000 free easy
1000 - 400 kick, 4 x {75 build on 1:15, 50 easy on :45, 25 fast on :30)
1000 - 5 x (100 IM, 100 Kick)
200 easy
300 - 3 x 100's free on 1:30
100 warmdown
3600 yards
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Saturday's Warrior
1000 - 4x4x4
1000 - 10 x 100's free strong on 1:30
1000 - 2 x 500's kick with fins
1000 - 5 x 200's free pull on 3:00
1000 - 1000 straight (get under 14:00) {touched @ 13:30}
1200 - 8 x {75 build on 1:15, 50 Easy on :45, 25 sprint on :30}
6200 yards
On the 1000 straight I noticed the "Saturday's Warrior" was over about 4 lanes in the shallow end and was neck and neck with me. I was only 200 into my 1000 so I decided to see if I could stay with him. He usually goes about 1-2 feet faster per 50 on distance sets. This time the role was reversed and I was pushing him. By the time I finished he was back about 1/2 a pool length.
I was watching he stroke afterwards. Man he makes his stroke look so effortless! Such a nice stroke. Very efficient. He could probably go all day.
My shoulder is still giving me trouble not really when I swim, but out of the water it hurts when I lift my arm above shoulder level. Double dosing the glucosamine hoping that makes a difference. So far it hasn't.
1000 - 10 x 100's free strong on 1:30
1000 - 2 x 500's kick with fins
1000 - 5 x 200's free pull on 3:00
1000 - 1000 straight (get under 14:00) {touched @ 13:30}
1200 - 8 x {75 build on 1:15, 50 Easy on :45, 25 sprint on :30}
6200 yards
On the 1000 straight I noticed the "Saturday's Warrior" was over about 4 lanes in the shallow end and was neck and neck with me. I was only 200 into my 1000 so I decided to see if I could stay with him. He usually goes about 1-2 feet faster per 50 on distance sets. This time the role was reversed and I was pushing him. By the time I finished he was back about 1/2 a pool length.
I was watching he stroke afterwards. Man he makes his stroke look so effortless! Such a nice stroke. Very efficient. He could probably go all day.
My shoulder is still giving me trouble not really when I swim, but out of the water it hurts when I lift my arm above shoulder level. Double dosing the glucosamine hoping that makes a difference. So far it hasn't.
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