Had a good table tennis practice last night with the boys at the club. Slept in till 9 am. Went over to Surf N' Swim and found out that they close the pool at 10 for swimming lessons. Great! So I went over to SDRC and did this workout which comes out of January's USMS magazine. I made a few modifications, and made it come to 5000 instead:
400 free
300 IM (kick, drill, swim by 25's IM Order)
300 - 6 x 50's descend 1-3 on :55
300 - 12 x 25's kick on :45 (odd breaststroke, even underwater dolphin)
Main Set:
600 - 2 x 300's free on 4:30
600 - 3 x 200's free on 3:00
500 - 5 x 100's free on 1:30
400 - 8 x 50's free descending breathing drill - start at 9 per 50, ending at 1 per 50.
200 Free Easy
400 - 8 x 50's kick with fins (IM Order subst breast with dolphin on back)
800 - 4 x 200's free pull on 3:00
200 EZ
5000 Yards total - 1.5 hours
Felt great about this workout. Now for two hours on the bike!