Today during the sets of using a snorkel, I REALLY enjoyed those sets. It's as if every time I breathe while swimming with face looking down in the water instead of breathing off to the side, it's as if each breath has a little more sweetness to it. It actually felt really good to breath. I think with my lungs being able to breath at will while swimming instead of having to time my inhale/exhale in rhythm with my stroke made the act of breathing feel wonderful.
Here's the workout:
- 300 free easy
- 2 x 100's kick with fins
- 2 x 150's free with snorkel
- 4 x 100's IM
- 4 x 150's Snorkel freestyle
- 4 x 50's kick
- 4 x 200's Pull Build ( was able to get these around 2:50 which isn't great, but given the first two I'm intentionally holding back just a bit, and then building to strong on the 3rd and 90% effort or so on the last 50)
- 6 x 25's free - first 2 only get 4 breaths, second 2 get 3 breaths, last couple of 25's get 2 breaths
- That was not that difficult actually. Didn't really have to hold my breath very much.
350 cooldown
3,300 yards total
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