If you registered for a big event, that shows commitment to a goal. If you fail in following through on that commitment, don't just show up cause you fear it would be a waste of money, or that you'll give it your best anyway and just hope to finish.
I noticed a post in marathonswimmers.org from Darren Miller where he confirmed my way of thinking. He said,
"...and train like a beast. If you aren't training enough for the swim you want, then don't do it, as you don't deserve it. Give it the respect it requires - everything you got."Can I get an "Amen!"
And only YOU can be the judge of whether you trained hard enough. There are tons of opinions out there (including mine) that include what the proper amount of training is for a certain race, but one thing is certain, no training is not enough training. If you happen to finish something badly that didn't require training, keep it to yourself. It belittles those who do take their training seriously.
On the way home, I was notified that my Grandmother in Pocatello passed away. She was a sweetheart to me and one of the most admired ladies in my life. She passed very quickly and will join my awesome Grandpa who died a year ago. I have many fond memories of my Grandma and Grandpa Richins. Several months ago I had Lynne Cox sign my copy of "Swimming to Antarctica", and dedicate it to my Grandma Richins, because she was so supportive. She told me that she was taking cold showers cause of me! What an adventurous spirit she was! I told that story to Lynne and she left a very nice comment in the book for my Grandma.
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