
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thank you Dark Chocolate M&Ms!

Last night Cathi and I went to see the Jazz play the Grizzlies.  She brought a treat: Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M's.  She ate a couple handfuls and said,  "these taste funny".  I said, "Oh I like 'em.  I love dark chocolate. She almost spat out the one she had in her mouth and said, 'Is that what it is?".  Haha.  She hates dark chocolate.  So I got to have the rest to myself.

If I weren't swimming so much I would feel guilty for eating junk like that.  But I see it as sugar that is a fuel for the next morning's swim.  Which it definitely was.  This morning's swim was without strain or need for energy.  I was fully energized and swam strong:

2000 free
3000 - 10 x (225 free, 50 back, 25 breast)
At this point the pool got really crowded and there were several people waiting at the wall watching everyone swim.  It really is silly that every lane only holds two people.  So I told a couple guys.  You wanna circle?  They joined in.  But the lady I shared the lane with originally said "NO".  I can't do flip turns cause I had surgery on my shoulder and I can't turn at the wall very well.  So I told one of the guys to take my place while I butt my way into another lane.  I moved over a couple lanes and sure enough.  There was Sarah Bowman Hansen.  I said Hello, and she asked "What's your name?".  I'm pretty sure she was pretending to not know who I was.  I mean, I was a VERY CHEESY friend who wanted to be more than a friend at one point.  I know that she didn't want the relationship to advance at the time, so who can forget a nerd like that?  If some girl was chasing me and I was trying to avoid her advances, I'd probably remember her the rest of my life, and not in a good way! Anyhow.... I continued on with my workout.....
1000 kick with fins
2600 yards free
2000 - 10 x 200's free pull on 2:50
750 - 15 x 50's sprint on :45
These were fun!  I first was holding :40, but then I was able to really push it and hold :30 and sub:30 50's.  
2000 free strong
400 IM warmdown

13,750 yards total

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