
Monday, December 6, 2010

Having a cold sucks, but the swimming must go on!

I'm in the middle of a pretty bad chest cold.  I'm coughing up all sorts of crud.  Last night I went to bed early cause I'm pretty sure it's the cold that's making me feel like crap and NOT the excess swimming I'm doing.  I actually feel great when I'm in the water.  Here's the workout I wrote down last night just before going to bed:

1500 free warmup
5000 - 10 x (200 free, 150 back, 100 breast, 50 one arm fly) no rest, just keep it going strong.
2500 - 5 x 500's free odds pull :15 ri
1000  kick with fins
1600 - 16 x 100's odd IM, even free on 1:45
1250 - 10 x 125's - 100 free really focus on pull technique, 25 kick
500 - 10 x 50's (kick, swim, drill, over/under, breast)

13,350 yards total

Felt great!  Just wish I had more time so I can put in some extras.

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