
Monday, November 16, 2009

Workout from Mark Gangloff

Got this workout from USMS website.

400 - 400 free
300 - 4 x 75 descend 1-4
300 kick
400 - 8 x 50 free with fins – on 1:00 (first 20 yards underwater dolphin, rest free)
100 - 100 easy

1700 - 6 x (8 x 25) on :40, :40, :35, :30, :25, :20, w/ 100 EZ between sets
350 - 1 x 50 off the blocks FAST!!! 300 Warm Down

3650 Total

Not a big fan of 25s. They're too short and I don't feel like I'm getting a workout, even though I'm going fast. I prefer longer sets (200-400 yards). But good to throw them in when you need some variety.

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