50 Free - Last meet I did 25.12. But for this meet the person who gets the closest to their seed time gets a new swim suit. I guessed 25.50. Well I got 25.51. I won! I guess if I didn't get faster, at least I could win a suit out of it.
100 Free - Last meet I got 55.22. This year I got 55.17 So only 5 hundreths faster. I'll take it
200 Free - Last meet I got 2:03.47. This year I got 2:00.64 Man I'm aching to get back under 2:00. Will have to wait until next spring.
Then was the first leg in a 200 free relay. Got 26.06 on that. Our group did 1:46.44 and took fourth overall. Not bad.
I was really pleased with this meet and that I was able to better my time in three out of the four events. Not by a ton, but still by some and improving is all you can ask. I'm pleased.
I'll be picking it up this winter at the pool. Going for 5 workouts per week.
Nice job on your new records! Your hard work is paying off!