
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

SLOW relay across the length of Bear Lake

Yesterday for Labor Day, Chad, Josh and I did a relay swim across Bear Lake.  We each swam 30 minute legs starting with Chad, followed by myself and then Josh, then cycling back to Chad.  We started at 6:45am and swam against a girls team of 6 consisting of Joelle Beard, Lisa Gentile, Sarah Jones, Dominique Maack, Chelsea Carmichael, and one other female.

Will also swam the whole length solo.  They started at the same time.  The sun wasn't up yet but light enough to see.  We started at Rendezvous beach and swam towards North Beach.

Each leg I swam at about 90% much faster than I would have had I swam solo.  Then rested and drove the boat for the next hour eating calories to be aggressively used up for 30 minutes of swimming.  I used my Garmin on each of my legs, and will upload that data shortly.

It was pretty smooth until the last 2 legs near the finish when the wind kicked up and it was very rough.  Will was struggling too according to Goody, but was able to dig deep and finish it.

I wanted so badly to catch Will, but he was too far ahead and much to our east.  Our path was too far west.  I was heading to a direction to the north that was too far west and had we kept our course would have shaved off a little distance.  Oh well.  It was great fun and it was nice to spend time with Josh and Chad doing what we love.  It was a beautiful day and a most productive Labor Day vacation.

I swam 7 legs and got in 7.25 miles total.  Here's the Garmin details.

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