
Friday, June 5, 2015

FIrst swim with the legend BJ Christensen

Yesterday afternoon I saw a facebook post by local triathlon legend, BJ Christensen that he's swimming at Bountiful Lake and looking for buddies to swim with.  I totally jumped on it.

I've swam with him before a couple times at SDRC, but never in open water.

This was my first swim in Bountiful Lake since last year prior to MIMS.  A couple weeks ago when we did our SLOW clinic out there the temp was 54°.  I knew it would be much warmer than that since we had a few days of really warm weather.  I got there early to take a temp and it game to 65°.  That was perfect!

Other swimmers also showed up:  Julie, Brady, Aurora.  BJ took the lead as we swam around the perimeter of the lake cutting the first corner in the southeast.  But after that we hit every corner.  First lap came to .91 miles.  After that we reversed back for another lap but this time hitting every corner of the lake.  Total swim just under 2 miles.  Water was calm and as you can see just cloudy.  No wind or rain.  Just a calm and beautiful swim this morning.

I was totally unable to hang with BJ.  He's too fast and my shoulder was pretty stiff.  I estimate probably at about 80-85% of full power.  Every once in a while I could feel Julie tap my toes.  I was glad to be able to provide her some practice at drafting.  That's something I don't get much practice at myself and was pleased to give her that training.  She races the Boise half Ironman next weekend.  She'll do fantastic.

This evening I meet Josh at GSL for his one mile swim entry which will count for his race entry.  I'm also having Jacob race it then too since both of us have Oliver's baptism tomorrow morning.

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