Friday, March 20, 2015
Welcome home
It was like the lake was glad to see me, welcoming me home. The sun was out and the air temperature was wonderful! The water temp at the gslmarina website reported 55°. Jason was a little nervous, but I tried to reassure him that it wouldn't be as cold as he thought. Sure the first 10 seconds would be tough, but after that once you control your breathing, it's fine.
I haven't been OKd yet to swim freestyle so I swam breaststroke the whole way. We swam out to the red buoy outside the marina opening and back. The water felt great. Didn't even shiver afterwards. Granted I was only in the water for about 12 minutes or so.
Total: .33 miles
I have been swimming a little this past week. No major workouts, just alternating by 100/200 from kick, swim backstroke, swim breaststroke, to swimming with a snorkel and kicking again, etc. Nothing too fancy, or too fast. Taking it easy.
Added 8,200 yards total pool swimming this week to my overall totals. Again, nothing really to write up a press release over, but it's just a milestone to get back in the water and make the shoulder feel the motion again.
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