
Monday, May 12, 2014

Prepping for LV10K

This morning I got in 1400 yards before swimming Kirsten's workout:

600 warmup: 300 swim, 200 kick, 100 pull
400 - 4 x 100's fly/free combination on 1:30
200 kick with fins dolphin kick on back
600 - 200 back, 8 x 25's kick on back on :55 , 8 x 50's swim on :50
400 - 200 breast, 8 x 25's breast on :40
800 - 16 x 50's free on :45
200 easy

Then went to the north side and swam 200 more easy

Total: 5,000 yards 

Need to do some organizational stuff (organize results of Cinco De Mayo, and other follow up stuff on GSLOW), so I cut the swim short so I could get to work at a decent time.  Will plan a longer swim tomorrow at Steiner.

For Mother's Day I cut off my chops.  We're planning to get some family pictures tomorrow and Cathi begged me to get those "goofy things" off.  Made me sad to get rid of them.  Now I'm forced to shave every single morning so I make sure that I don't swim with any kind of scratchies.
12:00pm - Lifted with Alex.  Getting buff.  I'm starting to really like the burn when doing ab work.  I also bought some Vitargo powder that James Hardy suggested I try.  Also got some Creatine ATP powder.  I should be set for a while.

5:00pm - Met Chad at Bountiful Lake.  It was raining and the air temp was 54 degrees.  Chad said he heard thunder close by, so we waiting about 30 minutes for the storm to pass and then the sun came out.  We got changed and I put my watch in the water near the ramp.  60 degrees.  Not too bad.

As we waded in I realized that the the watch wasn't in long enough cause this was much cooler than 60 degrees.  Decided to just do one Josh Green Loop.  Slowly waded in and after a couple minutes of stalling with Chad I did heads up breast stroke for a minute, then went for it.  Once I got to the west side of the islands I took another temp with my watch: 54.6 degrees!  Swam fast along the
southern edge of the islands.  When I got back to the start I skulled along and got out.  Man that was cold!

Total for the day: 6,320 yards and 1.5 hours of lifting.

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