
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Seriously Crazy workout

Pat coached masters this morning and gave us Kris' favorite workout:  Crazy 8's!  I went through it three times to get my 10K + yards

    200 choice, 100 pull, 100 kick

Warmup set: 2 x 100's focus on EVF @ 1:30, 2 x 75's stroke @ 1:10, 2 x 50's build on :50, 2 x 25's kick

Crazy 8's (all free)
8 x 25's - 2 @ :30, 2 @ :25, 2 @ :20, 2 @ :15
rest :30
8 x 50's - 2 @ :50, 2 @ :45, 2 @ :40, 2@ :35
rest :45
8 x 75's - 2 @ 1:10, 2 @ 1:05, 2@ 1:00, 2@ :55
rest 1:00

Crazy 6's (all free)
6 x 25's - 2 @ :25, 2 @ :20, 2 @ :15
rest :30
6 x 50's - 2 @ :45, 2 @ :40, 2@ :35
rest :45
6 x 75's - 2 @ 1:05, 2@ 1:00, 2@ :55
rest 1:00

Crazy 4's (all free)
4 x 25's - 2 @ :20, 2 @ :15
rest :30
4 x 50's - 2 @ :40, 2@ :35
rest :45
4 x 75's - 2@ 1:00, 2@ :55
rest 1:00

Crazy 2's (all free)
2 x 25's @ :15
rest :30
2 x 50's @ :35
rest :45
2 x 75's - @ :55
rest 1:00

200 IM

Repeat warmup set: 200 choice, 100 pull, 100 kick,: 2 x 100's focus on EVF @ 1:30, 2 x 75's stroke @ 1:10, 2 x 50's build on :50, 2 x 25's kick

Then repeat Crazy 8s (Free), Crazy 6s (Back), Crazy 4s (Breast), Crazy 2s (One arm fly)

Then repeat Crazy 8's, 6's, 4's, and 2's all free

Total: 11,200 yards in 3:30

Then drove. over to Bountiful Lake where I met up with Sarah and Joelle for a one lap in the rain.  The air temp was pretty chilly and Sarah was a little nervous.  I assured her that she'd warmup in that water.  That the air temp was cooler.  It was raining and I was worried about nasty water, but it wasn't bad at all!  I took the temp with my watch several times throughout the swim and it ranged between 55.6 - 56.0 degrees.  We swam a full mile around and it was awesome!  I didn't feel cold until I got out and then the shivers came but that was mostly cause of the air temp and the rain.  

What an awesome day of swimming:

Total: 7.36 miles total and my last 10K is complete!

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