
Wednesday, March 19, 2014


This morning I woke up to an email from active that a friend of mine registered for the 8 mile GSL race.  She's new to open water swimming and hasn't swam in the GSL yet, but it is a dream that literally keeps her up at night.  She is a very dedicated swimmer and if she puts as much effort into her open water training over the next few months before the race, as she does in the pool, she'll be well on her way to finishing and making her first step to the Utah Triple Crown.

Way to go Sarah!  You're determination and sense of adventure and faith is inspiring!

This morning I got in 1500 yards before Masters and then swam with Nazari and Jason:

500 - 200 Swim; 100 Kick; 200 Drill
600 - 8 x 75 Drill, Swim, Drill on 1:10
400 - 4x100 Free on 1:25 no equipment
400 - 8x50 Kick (25 EZ / 25 Fast) no fins on 1:00
800 - 4x200 Free pull w/ankle strap on 2:30
400 - 8x50 Kick (25 EZ / 25 Fast) with fins on 1:00
400 - 4x100 Free no equipment on 1:20
100 easy

Then had a lengthy discussion with Kris.  Looks like I'll be coached every Wednesday morning now instead of every other Friday.  It'll mean that I have to be more diligent in swimming M,T,Th,F,S and not letting myself get more days off than Wednesday and Sunday.  It's good because I need to transition in to coach mode.  In four months I'm going to transition into that mode more so than in marathon swimmer mode.

After our talk I did:
200 free, 200 IM
200 free, 300 pull
100 easy

6,100 yards total 
Lifting shoulders and biceps today.

I also noticed this morning that the openwaterpedia entry for Michelle Poole needed to be improved, which I did, and that Sue Frehse didn't have any entry, so I created a bare bones entry for her.

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