
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Meeting Jon Groberg

Lifted legs this morning.  Wow that was great.   Then swam at NWRC, which I must say is my favorite pool in the world.  It's always so clean, both in and out of the water.  The locker rooms are immaculate and never wet.  The water temperature is usually always cool enough to not get overheated, and the lighting in the pool area is extremely inviting.  I also love that it is never busy in the mornings.  Unfortunately my membership there expires in a week.  I'm really tempted to renew it and swim there regularly on Tue/Thu even though I could swim at SDRC.

Swam the following:

100 free
200 IM
300 drill
400 kick
500 pull
600 IM
700 free/back
800 - 4 x 200's free on 2:45 (got under 2:30 on all)
900 - 9 x 100's free on 1:22.5 (got under 1:13 on all)
1000 finger paddles

5,500 yards total in 1:30

Near the end of my swim a guy a couple lanes down asked me a bunch of questions about open water swimming.  His name was Jon Groberg and he too lives in Davis County, works in Salt Lake and is planning to continue swimming on Tuesdays at NWRC.  He seemed interested in swimming in some open water races this summer.

Here is a pretty decent Bubble Ring I blew this morning.

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