
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It's official

Catalina Channel Swimming Federation logo
I noticed yesterday that I'm finally on the list of successful crossing of Catalina on their website.  Now that the CCSF has had the banquet and ratified all the swim I'm up there.  Swimmer number 268.  I must say, I sure like that there is just one federation to oversee these crossing instead of two, like with the English Channel.  When there is more than one it makes it difficult but not impossible to consolidate all the swims into one document.  This is probably the best site for consolidated successful solo swims of EC.

This morning I got into the pool at 0520 and did the following before masters:

2200 - 2 x (1000 free, 100 kick/scull drill)

Helped with the lane lines and then did Coach Craig's workout with Scott, Kris and Alex:

300 swim
400 - 8 x 50's drill/swim by 25 on :50
400 - 8 x 50's kick/swim by 25 on 1:00
400 - 8 x 50's Texas style IM order

300 - 3 x 100's ALL OUT on 3:00 (Held 1:03)
225 - 3 x 75's ALL OUT on 2:30 (Held :46)
75 easy
150 - 3 x 50's ALL OUT on 2:00 off the blocks (Held :28/:29)
100 - 4 x 25'a ALL OUT (w 25 recovery) off the blocks on 1:40 (Held :13)

50 easy cool down

I was BEAT at this point and with the meet on Saturday figured it was a good taper to call it good for today.

4,600 yards total in 1:40

Can't wait until this meet is over.  It's kind of stressful getting all the details put together.  Also can't wait until the 250 miles of the Virtual open water swim is over so I can get back to not stressing over my yardage, just to get my yardage.

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