
Monday, October 21, 2013

Getting a push from Matt and Scott

This morning I was in the water at 0500 and did the following before masters:

3300 - 3 x (1000 free, 100 sculling drills)

Helped put the ropes in and then did Kirstin's workout:

200 choice,
200 - 1 x 200 free
350 - 2 x 175's (50 free, 75 fly/back/breast, 50 free)
450 - 3 x 150's 1-free, 2 - kick, 3 - pull
500 - 4 x 125's IM + Swim (100 IM, with rotating stroke on last 25)
500 - 5 x 100's pull on 1:15 (held 1:12)
Matt was in the end lane and was really pushing me on these.  I was in a lane with Scott who was also pushing me.  He went first on the IM sets.  
450 - 6 x 75's - first three stroke/free/stroke, last three free/stroke/free
400 - 8 x 50's - odd swim, even kick
250 - 10 x 25's every third 25 stroke, the rest free

Good workout.  Then did my own thing after it was over.

400 kick with fins
1000 pull
1000 - 10 x 100's odd free sprint (held 1:12), even recovery on 3:15
1000 - 5 x 200's odd finger paddles only, even (25 breast/free, 50 back)

10,000 yards total in 2:59

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