
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Coach Gridley

It's official, I'm now an employee at SDRC coaching Masters one day a week.  Which is a huge bonus cause I get to swim there for free now.  I enjoy coaching and helping people grow.  I'll have to be careful because I sometimes get disgusted with people who are resistant to improve themselves when it involves change.  For me I respond well to coaches who take charge and expect me to be disciplined and accountable.  People who aren't disciplined and resistant to change kind of bug me.  But we're all different and not everyone has a desire to be the best they possibly can be.
Wes was behind the kid in lane one
and ALMOST caught up.  Only
.01 of a second away!  Still, a 1:51 in
the 200 free is amazing!

I failed to log the results of the Masters vs. Youth meet on Monday.  I swam the 200 free and then also swam 50 free in the two relays.  I did a 200 warmup so I swam a total of 500 yards on Monday.  It actually went quite well considering Saturday's swim.  I did end up scratching the 500 cause I didn't want to push it that far.

I swam the 200 in 2:07.09.  I'm not thrilled with that time, but again considering my lats were fried I had to be satisfied.
I never told him this, but Goody is
really looking handsome.  His skin color
and hair look great.  Compared to the
QUAC meet earlier this year when he
was in the middle of Chemo.  Looking
sharp there buddy!  

As for this morning's swim at SDRC.  I got there at 0510 and swam 2200 yards BEFORE masters workout which was provided by Craig:

100 free, 100 stroke, 100 kick, 100 stroke
600 - 12 x 50's kick/stroke on :50
600 - 6 x 100's free desc 1-3 on 1:30
600 - 3 x 200 IMs on 3:00
600 - 2 x 300's pull on 2:50
600 - 3 x 200 IMs on 3:00
100 easy

5,700 yards total in 1:50

Then met afterwards with Kris to get some workout constructing pointers as well as best practices in working with beginners.  I'm excited!  If you're in Davis county and want to workout with a good group come on up to South Davis Recreation and swim with us!

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