
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Putting this baby to bed

There has been a bunch of controversy in the forum about Diana's swim this last week.

There have been lots of concern over the fact that she used a streamer, a face mask, a stinger suit, even being assisted with the suit getting on.  Some even questioned a statement that she went without feeds for over 7 hours.  I highly doubt that statement to be factual.  Not taking feeds isn't against any rules, just raises questions about whether that statement which came from her crew is factual, or misleading.

The part that was brought up that did cause me some concern was the idea that perhaps she might have held on to the boat or even quit swimming.  That part has been  raised because:
  1. The incredible speed in which she was able to swim a good portion of the course
  2. In her previous attempt there was video of her touching the boat, and because of this and other really sloppy handling of her swim:
  • Observers she had weren't really well known folks in the OW world.
  • She borrowed the SpotGPS instead of using ones that she owned.  Our little SLOW swim club owns one, they're not that expensive.
  • The observers log really should be made available to the public.  All my big swims include observers reports attached to my posts of my own swims.
  • Failure to explain ahead of time all the deviations from the standard EC rules she was going to   
  • Details, details, details!  Some even suggest that video of the entire swim be made. That to me, is overboard.  But there are a lot of details that probably could be shared, that aren't.  I guess you have to buy the documentary to get those. 

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After watching this video, and seeing the explanation by oceanographer Mitchell Roffer, that the currents were actually flowing in a N/NE direction makes me believe that this is possible.  The current flows that I have seen haven't really shown that kind of flow.  But I'm not an oceanographer, and neither are most of the swimmers.  I totally buy that she could go that fast with a good current and it appears that this is the case.

I don't have a problem with her deviating from the EC rules.  She never claimed to be swimming to that standard, and that's fine!  Personally I find her attitude abrasive, she comes across as extremely confident, and that for me overflows a bit into the realm of cockiness.  But that isn't a crime, and given the feat she accomplished, deserves a bit of self aggrandizement I suppose.

So I am satisfied that she did this swim and congratulate her!  I have already purchased one of her Extreme Dream shirts, and pre-ordered her story: The Other Shore.  I thing marathon swimmers who still aren't satisfied, especially after she meets today via Skype with the representatives, that they let this story move on and quit dwelling on it.  It's over.  She did it, now focus on the next big swims.  By continuously hounding this issue does no good for the community.  There are plenty of other people who are doing big swims that deserve just as much, if not more attention than what she got.  Let's refocus!

As for my measly little swim this morning:

400 free warmup, 4 x 100's drill
1200 - 2 x (500 pull, 100 IM) :30 ri
4000 - 2 x (800, 600, 400, 200 negative split < :30 ri)
500 kick with fins
500 - 2 x 200 IM's, 100 IM easy

7,000 yards total in 2:10

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