
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Warrior Spirit of Kelly Gneiting

I recently have been in contact with a guy that I've done a little research on.  His name is Kelly Gneiting.  He is an unconventional athlete that most people don't fully comprehend.  Sounds really familiar (with ice swimming being another sport that most people just don't get).   Kelly is a four-time USA champion Sumo Wrestler!  He is also a marathon swimmer.  He is planning to swim the Anacapa Channel next month and I've volunteered to assist him in any way I can.  He has accepted and invited me to be on his crew.

Checkout this video:

The thing I love most is his warrior spirit.  His lack of hesitation, his humble confidence.  It's that kind of attitude that will make his channel crossing a success if given the right conditions.  

I'm very excited to be able to help him accomplish his dream swim.  I've asked him some questions about his training and it appears that he is on track to be able to do this swim.  It will be tough, but I believe he has the tenacity and determination to see it through to the end.

This morning I swam at SDRC since I had to meet up with someone at 7:30am:

5500 - 11 x 500's :15 ri
odd free strong, even (kick with fins, pull w/ large paddles and ankle band, IM, pull w/agility paddles, kick with fins)

5500 yards in 1:35

On the way to California I finished Lynne Cox's Swimming to Antarctica.  I bought it used online for like $2.00.

I know I should have read this book years ago.  But I'm a slacker when it comes to reading books.  This is now my favorite.  Marcia Cleveland's Dover solo book was hard to beat, but this book did it for me.  So many cool stories that also includes some very interesting life stories that are VERY inspiring to me.  I was really disappointed to not be able to be in San Francisco a couple days ago when she was doing some book signings.  I'd love to meet her in person.  Such an amazing legend!

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