
Monday, August 12, 2013

Supporting Joelle at the Cielo Point Beach

This afternoon we arrived at Terranea Trail at Cielo Point and walked down to the beach.  I could see a small vessel way off to the west.  Good thing I brought my binoculars.  They really did help figuring out that indeed the Outrider was there what seemed like many miles away still.  We waited for over an hour as it got closer and closer.   I saw there were many dolphins jumping out of the water when they were out far.  It was really cool to see.  Then she got close enough to see without binoculars and I got my swim suit on.

Here's the video I took of her coming in.

Joelle smiles proudly of her all night swim!  
She started her way back in and I reminded her that she ought to take a rock with her.  She quickly found one and started back.  During the last couple days I haven't been in the water and it sure felt great to get back in even if it was just for a few minutes.  All the knots in my back from driving were instantly melted away and the salt water tasted SO GOOD!  I'm used to the salt taste being overwhelming and in your face, that the slight salt flavor wasn't bad at all.  Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't drink it, but it instantly reminded me of England.  Had a humongous smile on my face thinking about my own swim in less than 48 hours!

As I was swimming with her back to the boat.  I had a couple thoughts:  For her, this "Christmas moment" is over.  Santa has come and she gets to play with her toys and enjoy the achievement, but the journey is complete.  The excitement and this point will only dwindle with time.  For me, I'm that nerdy little kid still in his long john jammies anxiously shaking with excitement under the covers in his bed, envisioning Santa on his way.  So excited.  The forecast looks fantastic!

Here's a link to all the pictures from our Catalina trip:

Tonight I'm taking the family to a Dodgers game in LA.  That should be fun.  I'm not a big sports fan, but it should be a good memory maker.

Total:  about 100 yards in about 3 minutes.  Man did that feel great!

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