
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Last Logan Run before Catalina

Last night I swam up at the cabin in the Logan River.  I took Jonas and Sam up with me.  They played while I swam.  The water was awesome as always.  Clear visibility and I saw probably a 16 inch fish swimming around me.  I couldn't tell what kind it was.  It definitely wasn't a rainbow trout or a cutthroat trout.  It was pretty huge.  I also so about 5 bottom feeding algae eaters  They could be called the rivers lizards.  They just sit motionless on rocks and when they move its very quick and robotic.

Stayed in for 70 minutes and swam strong during that time.  I estimate it was equivalent to at least 2 miles.  

I couldn't get my mind of Cathi.  She's had a very rough couple of days, no thanks to me.  I decided that after the swim I'd just go back home instead of stay the night and do a short swim in the morning.  I stopped at Sonic and picked up her favorite treat - crushed ice.  No calories and guilt free enjoyment for her.  I got home, poured a cup of that ice and gave her a foot massage with lotion (I hate the feel of lotion on my hands so when I use lotion, she knows I really love her).

I got up at 0500 and went to NWRC and did the workout that was on the board:

400 swim
200 - 4 x 50 kick
300 - 4 x 75's 50 drill, 25 stroke
400 - 4 x 100's free/IM
1000 - 5 x (150 pull descending paddle size each set, 50 fast) :10-15 ri
300 swim
300 - 4 x 75's kick
600 - 8 x 75's first 4 IM, second 4 weighted 25's/50 sprint
100 easy

3,600 yards total in 65 minutes

Saw my mom again in the "river" at NWRC.  Good to see her in the water again.

Catalina is now less than 2 weeks away.  I'm getting so excited!

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