
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Somewhere between anger and confusion

This morning it was hard to not ponder on the events of yesterday at the Boston Marathon.  Cathi ran the Boston Marathon four years ago and is currently working on her speed training in order to hit her goal of qualifying again this year, so that she can run it next year.  We had great memories of that marathon.  I took the train to mile point 17 and ran heartbreak hill with Cathi up through mile 23 where I found a place to jump off the course and meet up with her at the finish.  The support at that marathon is amazing.

With yesterday's bombings, I have been struggling with anger at the cowardice and senselessness of it all.  What is the purpose of crap like this?  I mean the target is innocent people!  How would killing innocent people really provide any kind of satisfaction or purpose to anyone?  I try not to dwell on it cause I just get myself all boiled up and there's nothing I can do about it.  Just have to realize that one day everything will get resolved and justice will be done.

Today I was on my own and was rushed for time cause I had to pick up my friend at 9am at the body shop. I did:

2000 pull agility paddles with ankle strap
1000 free no equipment
500 IM
500 kick with fins
2000 pull large paddles
300 IM warmdown

6,300 yards total in 1:40

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean. I feel angry about it too. When I think the peace and acceptance I've found in group athletic activities it makes me sad that others will have this tarnish their experiences. My friend was racing but luckily she finished earlier.
    Evil exists and it is so sad when it bursts into our world. I guess the only good part is the overwhelming goodness also shows itself in such times.
