
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

60 degrees

That is the temperature that I need to be acclimatized to. I got an email from Jamie Patrick and he gave me the following stats:

Hi Gordon  - Below is the last 5 years water temp on July 4th at the northern most buoy..  Remember the lake can vary from one end to the other.
2012 - 60.7
2011 - 61.1
2010 - 59.4
2009 - 62.2
2008 - 61.8
 So I need to get back to swimming cold water this spring and for long distances at that temp.  With all the body fat loss (From 26% down to under 6%), I can't rely on the bioprene to keep me warm this year.  It's gotta be pure acclimatization!

This morning after doing an upper body weight training session I went to SDRC instead cause the NWRC pool was bumped up to a higher temp to accommodate the old people who use it now that the leisure pool is out of operation until it gets a replacement pump.  Swam the following:

1000 free warmup

800 - 4 x 200 IMs on 3:40

600 paddles only strong
400 kick with fins
200 - 25 weighted drill, 50 fast, 25 weighted drill, 50 fast, 50 easy
100 finger paddles no straps
50 anti paddles
50 anti paddles
100 finger paddles no straps

200 - 25 weighted drill, 50 fast, 25 weighted drill, 50 fast, 50 easy

400 kick no fins

600 paddles only strong

800 - 4 x 200 IMs on 3:40
1000 pull
1000 Tempo Trainer free on :97
800 - 4 x 200, odd IM, even 4 x 50's hypoxic drills

8,100 yards total in 2:30

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