
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Major flashback

This morning after my very tough cross training with Cathi I made it to the pool in time, but I took my sweet time in the shower.  It was so warm, and felt so good, it was hard bringing myself to turn it off and get in the pool, but I made it.  Only got 5 something hours of sleep last night and I had a few illusions this morning.  I think I need to sacrifice my lift tomorrow and come in to swim much later.

Today's workout was:

200 free, 100 kick
200 - 4 x 50's free/stroke
1000 - 2 x (25, 50, 75, 100, 100, 75, 50, 25)
800 - 4 x 200's pull, 150 free, 50 stroke on 3:00
800 - 4 x 200's 1,3 negative split, 2 & 4: build by 50
Then attempted to do the whole thing again, but ended up only doing a portion of it and ended up with

4,000 yards total in 1:25  TOTALLY DRAINED!

I was talking with James and I think I talked him into joining SLOW.  I meant to ask him his last name but forgot.  After doing a couple laps, I decided to get out and catch him in the locker room before he left.  I asked him his last name,  "Rogers" he said.  Just yesterday I tried finding Lizz Rogers on facebook.  I knew she had a different last name, but didn't have a clue what it was.  I asked him if his sister was Lizz and he said yes.  I also remembered Rich and Jon from DG days.

Lizz Rogers is on the far left.  It was very kind of her to come to the airport
to say good bye with my other DG lifeguard friends.
Also pictured is Lyn Gibson, Sherri (Clark) Trost, my family,
and Harrison kids in the front.
In fact, I have such fond memories of Jon.  He was one of the funniest guys I knew and was always a total pleasure to take a lifeguarding shift with.  When I worked my last day at DG before my mission he said something profound to me which I'll never forget:  "Where e're though art.  Do well thy part."  I've tried to live by that standard since then.

In fact, I remember Lizz bringing her "cute little brother" to DG when I was there.  James was such a little kid back then, it's no wonder I didn't recognize him as an adult.  But now that I know it's him, I totally see in my memory the resemblance.  Lizz, Rich and Jon were all dear friends when I was at DG and I remember being amazed at what an awesome family they were.  It made me wish I knew them much better.   

1 comment:

  1. Gordon,

    The world is very small. A friend (not even my brother) told me of your post to your blog and believed I might be that Jon Rogers. I am the former DG guard whose siblings include Elizabeth (Liz) Stevens, Rich, and James.

    Your comments were far too kind about me. The quote you attributed to me has been said to have been attributed to Shakespeare but made a huge impact on David O. McKay.

    One recounting starts as follows:

    Well Thy Part: Avoid Wearing Masks That Hide Identity
    CES Devotional for Young Adults • March 4, 2012 • Brigham Young University–Idaho

    I rejoice in the opportunity to speak to you young adults. I bring you love and greetings from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve. It is incredible to be here in the BYU–Idaho conference center. In my mind’s eye I can envision you in various locations all over the world.

    When I was your age, President David O. McKay was the prophet. President McKay served as President of the Church from 1951 until 1970, which was the year I turned 30. There is always something very special about the prophet who serves when you are a young adult. I loved and admired President McKay. He often related a true account that occurred while he was a missionary serving in Scotland. He was feeling homesick after being in the mission for just a short time and spent a few hours sightseeing at nearby Stirling Castle. When he and his companion returned from visiting the castle, they passed a building where the stone above the door had a carved inscription of a quotation usually attributed to Shakespeare, which read: What E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.

    Recalling this experience in a talk given in 1957, President McKay explained: “I said to myself, or the Spirit within me, ‘You are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. More than that, you are here as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. You accepted the responsibility as a representative of the Church.’ Then I thought [about] what we had done that forenoon. We had been sightseeing, we had gained historical instruction and information, it is true, and I was thrilled with it. … However, that was not missionary work. … I accepted the message given to me on that stone, and from that moment we tried to do our part as missionaries in Scotland.” 1

    This message—What E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part—was so important and had such an impact on Elder McKay that he used it for inspiration for the rest of his life. He determined that whatever responsibility he had, he would do his very best.

    So, you see, I am a fraud, a sham, a rip-off artist. I do, however, love that quote and am glad it has meant so much to you. So glad to hear about you again. My primary office website is and you can easily contact me through the information there and I can also help you reconnect with Liz.

    Jon Rogers
