
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Busy and fun day

This morning I was able to sleep in until 8am!  Felt so good!  Got up and drove to Fort Bueneventura state park for a cold water dip for a fundraiser for a local private school.  Met Goody there and it was good to catch up with him a little before the event.  This was literally just a dip and not a swim.  Water was only a couple feet deep and it was muddy and nasty.  Stinky stuff.

Then I went lifting at the gym, immediately followed by a swim at Northwest:

200 - 2 x 100's IM
400 - 2 x 200's IM
800 - 2 x 400's kick with fins
1600 - 2 x 800s free strong
1600 - 1 x 1600 free (25 catch up - 25 normal)

Then work back up starting with another 1600.

Total distance 9,200 yards in 2:50

Lots of good work today.  This evening had a great family party at the Lionhouse for my mother in law's birthday.  She's an awesome woman and so blessed to have such fantastic grandparents for my children!

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