
Monday, December 17, 2012

5 Million yards

This morning I hit the 5,000,000 pool yards since I started recording this stuff.  I got an email from Kris Edwards last night informing me that the SDRC pool had a maintenance issue and would be closed today, so I drove down to Northwest Recreation Center.  

When I got there the Masters coach and a few swimmers were already in their workout.  There was a lane that was available and I did:

1000 - 500 swim (200 back, 200 breast, 100 free), 500 kick with fins
1000 - 500 swim, 500 pull (5 x 100's on 1:30)

Then the masters team got out and I talked to the coach for a bit.  Found out that they don't charge anything more than just the facility entrance.  Wow!  How can they afford that?  They must be paying the coach hardly a thing.  The entire facility is clean, the showers are nice.  The only thing is they open at 6am and not 5am.  So those long swim days will interfere with my work a little.  But I don't think I'll need to put in those 12K swims on a normal basis.  I think I overdid the training a little for EC.  I can tone it down just a bit and still be OK I think.  So I think I'm going to renew my membership with SL county and have NWRC be my pool of choice throughout the winter.  
I introduced myself and told him of my goal to swim Catalina this August and that I was just barely getting back in the water after surgery.  I hope it works out with these guys and at the same time I'm able to get some open water swimmers out of the group.  The coach told me that one of his swimmers heard about an eight mile race out at GSL and I told him that I was the race director and was happy to hear that he had a swimmer interested in it.  

Continued with my workout:

1000 - 1000 pull (10 x 100's free on 1:30)
200 easy

3,200 yards total in 1:15

Cathi also has been having me join her in seeing a personal trainer.  I've been on this diet/exercise routine for a couple weeks now, and the results are exhilarating.  Went from 230 to 219 in two weeks.  And based on all the caliber and fat pinching he did when we started to this last Saturday, I went from being "Obese" to just barely "Normal" skipping the "Overweight" category completely which is based on a body fat percentage. (Over 24% down to under 21%) Although I would actually still consider myself overweight.  I have 19 pounds to go till I hit my sweet spot.  And at the rate I'm going I should hit that by mid January or so.  
He's got Cathi and me doing fat burning cardio, weights three times a week, and that is on top of our running/swimming.  Then he educated us on lots of nutrition and instructed us to eat a certain amount of calories with percentages of that amount coming from carbs (low GI types), protein, and fat.  If we target those percentages and eat 5 meals a day that are at a certain caloric amount, that it produces results and boy has it ever!  I'm very pleased with it.  And I LOVE the weight lifting.  

I also sent my $1000 deposit to John Pittman on Saturday.  He's the owner/operator of the Outrider.  One of the two pilots who do Catalina Crossings.  I'm very pleased to have locked in my desired date: August 14th.  

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