
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wannabe weatherman

I've found myself fretting over the weather forecast in Dover and Wissant for next week.  It looks like for next week the only day that looks somewhat favorable is August 8th.  After that, it looks like rain clear until August 14th.  With the sun not really appearing and the wind blowing from the northerly direction until August 16th-17th.  

But it's still far enough out, and I'm just a wannabe weatherman.  I'll strongly consider the recommendation of my pilot.  But given the conditions so far, I may be in for the long haul.  Waiting until the end of my tide for favorable weather and wind conditions.

I'll be sure to provide an update as more information comes.

If you're a prayer, please take a moment to appeal in my behalf that the weather be more favorable.

Dover, UK Forecasts for next week: rain, but SW winds) (30% rain, with SW winds)

Wissant, France forecasts for next week: rain with SSW winds) rain with WSW winds)

Dover, UK Forecasts for 8/15-8/19

Wissant, France forecasts for 8/15-8/19


  1. Don't fret too much. Weather forecasts, in my experience, are completely unreliable until about three days out. Anything beyond that is purely guesswork.
