
Friday, June 15, 2012

Rough Night swim

Goody came to pick me up at 8:30 tonight and we went out to the Antelope Island Marina.  We met Bob one of the Park Rangers.  He recognized my name after we introduced ourselves and said he felt better about us being out there knowing that we were experienced with the lake.

I went first, and the wind was coming from the northwest.  I swam right into the waves for about 20 minutes, and then Goody stopped me and asked if we could go west for a bit, which we did.  After swimming for 30 minutes I stopped for a quick drink, and then swam back.  Going back was easier, but it was also getting darker.  I could see the red and green flashing lights signifying the entrance to the marina.   We swam into the marina and made our way to the boat ramp.  

The round trip took 1:02 and only logged .96 miles on the GPS.  I was gonna go get changed for my turn on the kayak, but Goody admitted that the kayaking was a shoulder workout in itself and that he felt just fine calling that as his workout for the evening. 

So I got in a token swim this evening.  Small in terms of distance, but fairly significant in terms of the amount of chop and wind to deal with.  It was awesome.

Total Distance: 1.96 miles in 1:02

I never did manage to get a water temp reading but I'm guessing it was in the mid 70's.  It was HOT!  I didn't like that part of it.  I'm gonna swim pineview tomorrow.  Gotta put in some decent distance.

1 comment:

  1. We turned around at 1 mile. Your GPS read 1.96. Add another mile to your swim.
