
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's warm now

This afternoon I met Goody and Josh at the marina.  Just as we were getting in a new guy named Bryan was getting on his wetsuit.  I asked him if he wanted to join us and he said that he just wanted to stretch out his shoulder and wanted to do an easy swim.

Josh, Goody and I went from the boat ramp to the red marina opening buoy and then out to Black rock and back (aka Gridley Straight).  I took the water temp just outside the marina opening after the first lap and it read 67°F!  

I didn't swim this morning and was planning on spending a good two hours out in the GSL, so I did one more Gridley Straight.  Then instead of going back in through the marina, I went around the marina and got out at Silver Sands Beach.

Total distance on GPS: 4.3 miles in 2:10

My feet aren't used to those sharp rocks so it was a slow tender journey of 30 yards up the path to the parking lot.  I also need to do better about taking my bag inside during the day.  Leaving it out in my car totally melts my channel grease to a thin oil.  Makes it hard to layer it up on my shoulders, so might right shoulder was a little tender afterwards.

Looking forward to Thursday's swim out there again.

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