
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Finally hit my 500 mile goal

This morning I had to pass up the Polar Bear Dip so that I could baptize my son Isaac.  This morning I told him, "Make sure you dress warm, we're baptizing you out at the Great Salt Lake.  It's gonna be cold."  He go this terrified look on his face.  I said, "Yeah, we'll go real fast and you can get dried off and warmed up.  You'll never forget your baptism!"  He almost started to cry so I told him I was just kidding.  (I wish I wasn't).  Had a great time with family and there was a great spirit at his baptism.  He was so happy today.

We had family come over and ate a ton of food.  Party was over around 11am so I got the thumbs up from Cathi to do a swim this afternoon.  So I went to SDRC and was in the water at 1:30pm.  I did the same workout that Will posted that the SALT club did this morning, with a few minor modifications since I was going off memory and not a piece of paper.

1000 free easy
900 - 9 x 100's free fast on 1:30 (got all just under 1:20)
800 - 4 x 200's finger paddles on 2:50
700 - 300 free, 100 back, 300 free
600 kick with fins
500 free drill
400 pull
300 free easy
200 PT Paddles
100 - Two over/unders
2000 - 8 x 250's odd free, even back or breast no rest interval

100 - Two over/unders
200 PT Paddles
300 free easy
400 pull
500 free drill
600 kick with fins
700 - 300 free, 100 back, 300 free
800 - 4 x 200's finger paddles on 2:50 (got all under 2:40)

900 - 9 x 100's free fast on 1:30 (got all just under 1:15)
1000 free easy
200 back/breast
13,200 yards total in 3:55

Starting in October was this virtual open water race that was 250 miles.  I tried talking Karen Reeder into creating a 500 mile race, but she didn't want to do it this year.   Probably not enough nuts out there to go for that distance in 6 months.  Well I hit it almost two months ahead of the cutoff.  500 miles in 127 days.

Today I drank a Orange/Vanilla Perpetuem with about 12 ounces of OJ added.  Not so good.  It tasted like Orange Juice and milk mixed together.  Not really gross, but not anywhere as good as yesterday.  I think I need to stick with pear juice and not OJ.

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