600 warmup
300 - 4 x 25's kick on :35, 100 kick, 4 x 25's kick on :30 all with fins
1800 - 4 x {200 IM on 3:20, 250 free pull on 3:20}
300 - same kick set from above no fins
I went first in the lane on this one and man I was kicking! I've not kicked with as much effort since high school.
1800 - 8 x {100 IM on 1:40, 125 free pull on 1:40}
200 easy
I did the same workout as above after everyone left and then threw on an addition 100 yards cool down.
11,300 yards total in 3:27
I'm looking forward to next Monday at SDRC. Planning a 35,200 yard workout which should definitely get me a good buffer for my 250K goal for Feb.
I continue to be amazed at the distances you guys put up. My progress has been so slow that every time I read one of your blogs, I think, "Sheesh. He did more today than I've been able to do this year." That 10/20-mile swim you all are doing at the SDRC on Monday sounds so appealing, and it angers me to thing I was progressing towards those longer distances (peaked at 5 miles) before my injury took me out of the pool. Ughhh... Sorry to be a downer. You guys are keeping me motivated, though.