
Monday, January 23, 2012

Today I'm the douchebag

This morning I was in the pool exactly at 0500 and had a great workout:

2000 free
2500 free
1 x 100 on 1:30, 2 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 3 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 4 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 5 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 4 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 3 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 2 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 1 x 100 free
500 kick

2500 free
1 x 100 on 1:30, 2 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 3 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 4 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 5 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 4 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 3 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 2 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 1 x 100 free
500 kick

2500 free
1 x 100 on 1:30, 2 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 3 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 4 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 5 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 4 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 3 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 2 x 100's on 1:30 (last on 1:25), 1 x 100 free
Near the start of this set, some guy got in next lane over and was swimming free straight (like 3000), and I was doing my 100's.  He was holding probably 1:25's so I tried staying up with him.  It was nice pacing with him, but his steady pace was a bit faster than 1:30 so he ended up lapping me.  I wanted to just cut my intervals down, but I already felt like a douchebag for racing him.  Typically its the other way around where I'm doing distance and some doofus gets in and does hundreds and tries racing.  Props to that guy for the nice distance pace.
500 kick

2500 free pull
100 back/breast

13,600 yards total in 3:34

This last week my mom's neighbor was cleaning out his garage.  He had a photograph that was blown up to poster size of Saltair in 1900.  He didn't want it and gave it to her.  She called me a couple days ago and asked me if I wanted it.  Holy Christmas Eve yeah!  I'm psyched, I feel like old Saltair is my personal Xanadu.

Wouldn't it be sweet to go back in time and see this place?  I'd give my left foot to go there.


  1. Ha ha! I had to force myself to not fall into that trap this morning. There were two guys next to me that were pretty quick and I had to keep telling myself that today was an "easy pace" day.

    That's awesome about the Saltair photo! I would have loved to see that place in its heyday. There is a poster-sized vintage photo on Amazon that I want to get to hang in my office.

  2. I'd give up quite a bit too to see Saltair when it was the Utah "hotspot".
