
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lament of a winter swimmer

This frozen lake doth shock my heart.
Yet numb with pain, from swimming 
through the cold cruel pockets upon this earth,
I will rejoice!
And swim in these warmer waters.

This morning's swim for some reason was spent compiling poetry and wasn't the most intense workout I've ever had.  It was hard to really focus today, so I ended up putting in a mediocre workout.

The poem from above is an adaptation from one I had compiled decades ago.
Today's swim:
2000 free
1000 kick
1000 - 5 x 200's odd IM, even free touch and pull drill
2250 pull

6,250 yards total in 2:05

Here's one more that I came up with this morning:

I'm not Superman, 
but I CAN fly!
Gliding forward, 
separated from earth, a natural high.
What calm I feel 
watching the depths below,
An experience
that man and fish, 
share and know.


  1. Wow, nice poems! I guess not having to count laps by using the Swimsense frees up your mind to think about more uplifting things!

  2. I love the poems! I particularly love the second one!

  3. I love the poems! I particularly love the second one!
