
Friday, December 30, 2011


After hitting my initial target of 1000 miles for the year, I wanted to just hit 1100 by year end to symbolize that I gave 110% this year.  This morning was a huge struggle getting out of bed.  I hit the snooze button a few times. Cathi was trying to talk me into just sleeping in and taking a day off, but that would mean I'd have to kill it tomorrow, and I want to just take it easy after the polar bear swim and enjoy New Year's Eve as a rest day.

So I got up and was about 10 minutes late getting in the water, but still was able to put in a kick butt day:

12000 - 6 x 2000's free (even no equip, odd pull)
900 kick with fins
100 cooldown

13,000 yards total in 3:40

So my year end total is 1101 miles which is a total of 1,938,262 yards.  I think it's reasonable to go for 2 million yards next year which is 1136 miles.  That will definitely be a stretch.  It's been a hardcore year and it seems more and more difficult to top my own history, but I'm gonna keep trying.  Tomorrow's year end post will be a pretty good summary of the year with highlights.

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