
Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday 20 mile swim

I took the time before going to bed on Thanksgiving day to write up this workout:

2000 - 1 x 2000 free nice and easy warmup
3600 - 2 x 1800's fast(timed), slow (pull)
4500 - 3 x 1500's descending
4800 - 4 x 1200's 
(12 x 100's free, 12 x 100's one arm fly, 12 x 100's back, 12 x 100's free)
(14,900 so far)  
5000 - 5 x 1000's Pull/free/kick/pull/free
Shoulder blades started to really hurt.  Took 800 MG Ibuprofen and by the last 1000 it was all better.
4800 - 6 x 800's - 3 free, 3 pull
4200 - 7 x 600's – first two – kick, next three free, last two pull
(28,900 so far) Almost there!
3200 - 8 x 400's on 6:00 (bank :05 per set)
1800 - 9 x 200's IM odd/free even on 3:15, 2:45
Cathi showed up after I did the first set of 200's.  Apparently she ran to SDRC from home (20 mile run).  So she sat in the camp chair I setup and watched me on the remainder of this workout.  It sure helped boost my spirits to have her there smiling at me.  
1000 - 10 x 100's on 1:30 desc 1-5 (1:22-1:23, 1:18-1:20, 1:16-1:17, 1:12-1:13, 1:05)
I was so surprised that I was able to pull 1:05's at the very end of this VERY LONG workout.
400 pull cooldown

35,300 yards total = 20 miles in 9:48

I got out about 4 times to go to the bathroom, and get some snacks from my bag.  I was only out of the water for less than 5 minutes.  This is a new PR in the sense that I've never swam this far in one session.  Last year I did 40,000 in one day, but that was split into a morning and then coming back for an afternoon swim.  This one was all at once.  

I'm feeling great even after all that.  No issues with the shoulders, just some knots around my shoulder blades.  But that can be fixed with a little massage action with the magic wand.  Looking forward to tomorrow's short 15,000 yards.  Plus I'll get to sleep in a bit.  After tomorrow's workout I'll have a new weekly PR for distance.

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