
Monday, October 24, 2011

Nasty jellies in the pool

This morning I was in the water at 0500 sharp and did:

4000 - 4 x 1000's free on 14:45

Then swam with Masters.  I had a lane all to myself with Steve, and Scott in the lanes next to me.

300 - 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 Drill
300 - 3 x 75's swim/kick/drill by 25 @ 1:25, 3 x 25's build @ :30
800 - 4 x 200's odds 100 back/100 free, even: 100 breast/100 free on 3:00
1200 - 3 x {200 pull breathing every 3,5,3,5 by 50, 75 kick with fins, 125 - 25 kick/75 build/25 kick}
200 - 2 x 100's free fast (1:05, 1:03)
200 - 4 x 50's IM Order on 1:00 (fast!)
50 - 2 x 25's fist back easy, second free hard

2000 pull on 14:00
2000 free no equipment on 14:45
2000 pull strong

13,050 Yards in 3:40

I noticed several big globs of hair floating about halfway down to the bottom at the deep end.  Kind of eerie.  I've never seen jellyfish in person, but it made me think of how it might be to swim with jellyfish in the ocean.  I actually got attacked once by a medium sized glob and dumped it off on the side of the deck.  There were still a good number of them out there waiting for some unsuspecting swimmer.

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